Emma Harper RGN (BSc)
Member of Scottish Parliament
Convener of Lung Health Cross Party Group
"The International Coalition of Respiratory Nurses (ICRN) is a new registered nonprofit organisation with the goal of championing the specialty of respiratory nursing worldwide.
Most countries around the globe have a respiratory organisation or association for nurses. As each country has a different health policy, regulation, and education system for respiratory nurses, it is crucial that representatives of these respiratory associations of each country are included in the ICRN. Indeed, I support ICRN’s intention to ensure this is the case.
I welcome that the ICRN goal is that due to new therapeutic and diagnostic methods, respiratory patients have a significant reduction in the need for unscheduled care and consequently hospitalisation. To achieve this goal, ICRN will strive to strengthen and raise the level of education of respiratory nurses so that they can guide and provide support to respiratory patients through regular checkups and at home.
As a former Clinical Educator with the NHS in Scotland, and as the Co-Convenor of the Lung Health Cross Party Group in the Scottish Parliament, I absolutely support the aims and objectives of ICRN and look forward to providing my support as the organisation moves forward."